


書家 玉蘭(Gyokuran)



代表 藤田 玉蘭(ふじたぎょくらん)



職   業  :  書道家    Calligrapher

京都芸術大学 美術工芸学科 非常勤講師

水明書道会 正会員  師範  評議員



2015年 筆ピュアギフト 設立



●書道パフォーマンス 百貨店、ホテル、大学際、記念式典等での実演

●書道教室 書道家育成 短期/出張講座 ●オリジナルブランド筆文字雑貨制作



2022年1月 日本テレビ『スッキリ』VR書道生出演

2022年8月 関西コレクション 祭りステージパフォーマンス

2022年5月 Obcラジオ大阪 他




筆王でつくる簡単年賀状 株式会社KADOKAWA

世界一かんたん令和の年賀状 株式会社KADOKAWA

年賀状データ集 PREMIUM 株式会社マイナビ出版 他



2024年 3月 オーストラリアシドニーICC Alibaba EXPO

2018年 1月 アメリカ ロサンゼルス個展 

2018年 2月 バンコクデザインウィーク

2018年 6月 フランス アンギャンㇾバン国際デジタル祭 VR書道「浮遊書」

2019年 5月 オーストラリア メルボルン ジャパンフェスティバル20周年式典 書道パフォーマンス



<受賞歴>京都市立美術館 展覧会出展

2010年 推薦賞  2011年 特選  2012年 京都新聞社賞  2014年 褒賞 2015年 褒章 2016年 特選







Regular member of  KYOTO JAPAN Calligraphy Association, Instructor, Councilor

Part-time lecturer at Kyoto University of Arts, Department of Arts and Crafts



Providing brush lettering logo, title, nameplate, business card, and wallpaper design

Calligraphy performances at department stores, hotels, universities, commemorative ceremonies, etc.

Calligraphy classes Short-term and on-site courses for training calligraphers ●Production of original brand brush lettering sundries


Media Appearances>

January 2022: Live appearance on Nippon Television Network Corporation's "Sukkiri" (VR calligraphy)

August 2022: Stage performance at Kansai Collection Festival

May 2022 OBC Radio Osaka, etc.



Simple New Year's greeting cards created by "FUDE-Oh", KADOKAWA Co.

The world's easiest 2021 Japanese New Year's card KADOKAWA Co.

New years greeting cards Data Collection PREMIUM" MYNAVI" Publishing Co.

Kindle Publishing Co.


<Overseas Performance>

January, 2018 Solo exhibition in Los Angeles, U.S.A.

February 2018 Bangkok Design Week

June, 2018 France, Angers-en-Bains International Digital Festival, VR Calligraphy "Floating Calligraphy".

May 2019 Calligraphy performance at the Japan Festival 20th Anniversary Ceremony in Melbourne, Australia

And many more in Japan


<AwardsExhibition at Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art

2010 Recommended Prize, 2011 Special Prize, 2012 Kyoto Newspaper Prize, 2014 Prize, 2015 Medal of Honor, 2016 Special Prize, 2016


<Main client companies>

KASDOKAWA Ascii Research Institute, C&L Research Institute,

Zooms, Grand Prince Hotel Osaka Bay, SuperStation, Inc.

KADOKAWA's New Year's Card Collection, MYNABI   Brush Letters, Your Birthday 366-Day Flower Language Postcards,

FYU SHO VR Calligraphy










I became captivated by calligraphy because to me “the characters longed to be made beautiful.” Deeply impressed by the outstanding work encountered at a calligraphersʼ gathering in Kyoto when I was 22, I became accredited in the art.


Through a job involving English, I received a further push from a foreign friend who said that her  dream was to learn calligraphy. This again made me aware of the appeal of traditional Japanese culture and I made the transition to professional calligrapher.


Today, in addition to producing work for store logos, product packages, I regularly hold events for tourists from overseas, including writing poems that incorporate peoplesʼ names as well as the New Yearʼs tradition of kakizome calligraphy.


I also try to spread Japanese traditional culture through calligraphy by participating in events overseas.While cherishing the traditional classics, Iʼm always on the lookout for new possibilities in calligraphy in order to continue creating work that touches the hearts of people around the world. 



















